The Graceful Cyclists

Cycle touring and other adventures

Archive for May 2014

Single Track Mind- Round 1

I’m slow. Just thought I would start this post by sharing my most profound realisation of the amazing weekend I have spent in Kirrawak State Forest riding in the first round of the Chocolate Foot Single Track Mind Series for 2014. Now before you think I am going to be disappointed by being slow, or some other such emotion (bahh boring!) it was the best weekend I have had in […]

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SBW Abseil and Explorer Days

I’ve recently started getting involved with the Sydney Bush Walkers group as a way to extend my adventures in and around Sydney. SBW as it shall hereafter be referred to is quite an amazing club for the diversity of its membership, and the openness it appears to have regarding its experience. I haven’t been to many things yet other than a few social nights and the two single day activities […]

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Inspired by Dayna and her cool blog I’ve made a map of the photos I have stored on my computer. I would suggest it could be broken down a lot further, but it makes me realise there are a lot more places to go!

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